“Slow” Print Guided Walk - Mapping Colour in the Environment is a guided walk through Ilkley using one of the first ordinance survey maps produced for the area, to visit the sites of the colour pigments used to produce the printing inks.


fig. 1

Leaving Ilkley train station, the walk will head along the historic Well's Road taking in Darwin Garden and Wells House to the first location of Ilkley Moor.  White Wells Spa Cottage as the backdrop, the walk heads through Rydding Wood to St. Margaret's church for the second and third locations, followed by the home of the cottage industry and fourth location, then to the final location of the wood where there is an opportunity to see the Panorama Stone. The walk continues down Queens Road towards Parish Ghyll Gardens and returns to Ilkley train station. Approximately 45mins.

fig. 2

Pteridium Aquilinum (Bracken)

55 55 18 N

01 49 38 W

fig. 3

Crataegus Monogyna (Hawthorn)

53 55 14 N

01 49 43 W

fig. 4

Pigment swatches for mapping in the environment. 
Letter press detailing to use for referencing. 
105 x 148.5 mm

projects: ❶ “Slow”Print   mapping colour; guided walks❸ Coming Soon ❹ Coming Soon ❺ Coming Soon ❻ Coming Soon ❼ Coming Soon ❽ recommended printed material